Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Reality TV

Reality Television

You have to watch “Duck Dynasty”. It’s one of the funniest reality TV shows. It’s about the lives of the Robertson family on the A&E channel.  Now, if reality TV shows are real, my personal opinion about reality TV is that they’re over paid actors still improving. It’s “Hollywood”! C’mon, Hollywood made a film based on my job in the Navy and it what was nothing like I did in my daily military life.
            Hollywood can be misleading in reality. You’ve got to be very fortunate to live off profits of a multi-million dollar company that they own, manufacturing duck callers. I mean, this big redneck family own this business and live somewhere in the South and are millionaires. They do all kinds of things on the show, from making hand made duck callers themselves to blowing up duck hunting hideouts made out of mobile homes in trees. Now, if this is real or not? I don’t know.
            Times are changing fast and kid’s minds are like sponges. They absorb everything. So, it’s very hard to filter what’s real and what’s not to them. I try really hard to bite my tongue in front of friends and family when I am at their house and they put on a reality show, because the things they show it boggles’ my mind. For instant, “Jersey Shores”. Have you watched that show? That show is nuts. But, who knows if it’s really real. I mean, I know that these people get picked some how and they get placed in a house, party, and drink all day. I think by M.T.V. showing this show hurts society because it makes people think it’s ok to party like animals and get arrested on TV.
            Screenwriters are running out of ideas but, there is reality shows that do show good meaning. For instance “Intervention”, it’s about people with addictions. Like drugs, eating disorders, gambling, alcohol. But, the family gets together without the addict to know so, they can do an intervention and help them and send them to a rehabilitation center.  So, my conclusion on reality shows is that there’s some good and some bad shows. But, the question I have is, are they all real?

1 comment:

  1. Jersey Shore has to be the most talked about show in Television not because of how it's educative or helpful to society but because it's entertaining to so many people!
