Saturday, February 9, 2013

Texting and Driving

Texting and Driving
            I do have to say that I text everyday on my phone while driving everywhere. There’s not a moment when I don’t have my cell phone with me. It’s a new age and generation when it comes to communication with others around the world. Everywhere I look and everywhere I go I see somebody texting or doing something on their cell phones. I’ve seen kids leaving from school crossing the street while texting or doing with their phones. Cell phones have become a menace to society. Laws have been passed for driving; banning the use of a cell phone while driving. I remember reading an article about texting and it said, “That there are about 6,000 deaths and a half a million injuries caused by distracted drivers every year.”
            What’s next, cell phones implanted in your head? It would probably make things a little safer on the roads. This would probably stop a person from holding a phone in one hand and the other on steering wheel, while trying to stay in one lane and looking ahead for stopped cars.
            New cars are being made where phone are connected via Bluetooth implementing everything to be displayed on face plate of their radio. I still think that it’s a distraction from you keeping your eyes on the road. What will cell phone companies and car makers come up with next?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I know it's crazy how people are consumed by their phones. I see people everywhere walk around aimlessly staring down at their cellphones. As far as the new implementation of being able to view everything from ones phone on their car radio screen; it shows the extent in which corporations will go to make a buck.

  3. i admit I'm one of those who has there phone in there hand at all times. but i i definitely try to not text while driving unless its an emergency

  4. I must say, I text and drive as well. It's a bad habit I obtained, but I I'll grow out of it eventually. Having a cell phone chip implanted in my head wouldn't be anything ill look forward to, but how everything is changing and increasing in technology I wouldn't doubt that happening. Just consider a deep thought and don't accept it. Interesting paper Aaron, thank you for sharing.

  5. You always see teenagers walking and texting and sometime not paying attention almost walking into things.

  6. Your picture says it all. No one that wants to cause such a horrible accident should be texting. Very good visual and excellent point.

  7. I probably use my phone to much; it's never out of my site. But your post definitely makes me rethink just looking at my phone while driving

  8. Your picture up at the top of the blog is worth 1000 words.

  9. Wow, I don't think I would allow anyone to implant a cell phone in my head no matter how much safer the roads would be!! That would be to crazy! But I must agree, texting can be very dangerous!

  10. texting can be very, but very dangerous, and you made a very good point.

  11. I can completely agree with your post and the picture on the top tied it all together. Texting while driving is killing people.

  12. I complte agree with your post and the image you put. Textting while driving is not a good thing
