Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Blog Wk 12

Aaron Noriega
Ms. Croker
English 101
“The Meaning of Mad Cow”
Where to begin with “Fast Food Nation”, well it makes me really wonder what is in my meals that I eat. Nobody really knows, except the ranchers and meat packers. But, I still don’t think I’m going to eat fast food. It hasn’t killed me yet. So, why stop now? However I did learn how the corporate high ups would do whatever it takes to get to the top. They don’t care who gets hurts or what they destroy on the way up.  Schlosser did come up with an original idea for his book. He talked about some gruesome stuff that goes on behind doors. Also how big corporations hide illegal immigrants to work for them. And they didn’t care one bit about them about.
I’m glad to have read “FFN” it was really unique and it’s been a while since I read something like this. Thank you to everybody for sharing their thoughts as well. But I’m still going to eat meat!


  1. I know i will continue to eat meat too, broccoli and spinach wont get me to weight 200 pounds of muscle haha.

  2. Agreed. Still eating meat to :)
