Tuesday, April 2, 2013

This School Year

Blog Entry #11
            To answer last weeks blog about five lies and one truth, the true answer is number four. I do own a dog that I just adopted recently from the Camarillo Animal Shelter. His name is Nikkō (Japanese for “The Sun or Sunshine”) a full breed boxer, almost six months old, and loves digging.
            It’s about three quarters into the semester and I feel pretty good about the progress I’ve made. Right now I’m taking Math 11 and English 101. I was in Math 14 but couldn’t remember the simple stuff.  It’s been about eight years since I graduated high school and that was the last time I was in any type of schooling system. Besides the military, which was a whole different type of schooling. The military trained me how to how to save lives and survive in the worst conditions and scenarios known to man.
            I’m feeling confident that I will finish the school year out with higher expectations than when I started. Not bad for being out of school for eight years. I developed a nice rhythm with having to balance school and a full-time career. But, I do have to admit that choosing English 101 as a hybrid class does but have its pros and cons. I don’t like that you only get about a good two and half hours of in-class teacher time. I didn’t know what or how the hybrid classed worked, but I do now. I chose the hybrid version due to work and my Naval Reserves. I’m extremely proud of myself with all the pressure from my work and the military, that I’ve managed to make it this far.
            When it’s all said and done and I have the little tiny piece of paper that reads: “Aaron Noriega - Certified Quality Engineer.” That’s when I know all my hard work finally paid off. Making it through rigorous training and deployments from the military was one thing but, college is just another stepping stone in my next thing in life.


  1. It is a nice feeling to accomplish something academic when you have been out of the groove for so long.

  2. Just keep plugging away and soon you will have another goal accomplished under your belt. Hard work does pay off.

  3. Aaron, I have told you this before, its worth sticking it out....we are almost done!

  4. Keep Up the hard work, this semester is almost over =)You can do it.

  5. Keep working, you will get there eventually :)

  6. Yeah, English 101 has its ups and downs, but it’s totally worth taking it, I think. I know you can do it.

  7. im sure youll finish in no time. just keep going. yeah english 101 as a hybrid gets confusing to me as well.
