Monday, April 29, 2013

A Dog's Life

A Dog’s Life
            One of my favorite moments in life was when I took my new dog Nikkō to the beach for the very first time. Nikkō is a six-month-old brown and white colored boxer. The brown and white colors indicate that he is a “fawn” breed boxer. Nikkō had never been to beach until last Saturday.  As a new puppy ready to explore what’s beyond our house and a gated yard, we drove to Point Magu in hope that Nikkō would react calm to the beautiful warm sunny afternoon on a sandy beach with crashing waves.
            Upon arriving to the beach, Nikkō seemed memorized by the white color sand. Sniffing the sand with his wet nose made the sand stick to it like he was in a scene as, Al Pacino in “Scarface”.  After a little jog from the sand to water, Nikkō again was star stroked by the noise and cold waves hitting his paws. He didn’t know whether to jump in the water headfirst or run back to the car. But like his owner, Nikkō didn’t mind the feeling of the cold foamy water skimming his paws for the first time. He had acted as if it was his 100th time ever being at the beach.
            After a few hours of running up, down, and through the water I felt so proud of my little puppy growing up to love the ocean.  My mind was put to ease to know that I adopted a beach loving dog that would forever be remembered. 


  1. That's awesome that he grew fond of the water instantly. I wish my kid, meaning my dog Ernie, was the same. He hates the water, even giving him a bath is a struggle.

  2. what a beautiful dog!

  3. Wow! That's cool. My puppy hates the water...any kind of water. He was meant to be yours.

  4. You're dog is a cutie. He reminds me of my friends dog Duke! he's a boxer as well and loves the water.

  5. Thanks for making me laugh. He is a good looking boxer.

  6. Aaaw my dog would have loved that.

  7. Cool story. sounds like you have a pretty cool dog.
